
More than ever, the property buying life cycle is linked closely to mobile behaviours.

couple who have just purchased a house, they are hugging, the estate agent looks happy

The mobile phone has now become the most widely used way for people to begin the home-buying journey.

We use our handsets to explore new developments, research the area and to compare them with other homes.  

Major property marketing brands, such as Rightmove, Zoopla and On The Market, have free-to-use apps – and find that over 50% of their search traffic is through the mobile handset. Developers who have been pioneers in incorporating mobile into their marketing mix have seen their mobile campaigns drive incredible results and engagement with highly targeted audiences.


Working with a large number of developers around the UK, Fonemedia has a wealth of knowledge to create and deliver mobile campaigns which increase the number of people making enquiries about property developments.  

Using Mobile DNA and Experian data, our innovative advertising formats reach the right audiences at the right time. Using Experian data with our Mobile Platinum products means that we can reach the right audiences without limiting this reach to geographic targeting- meaning your campaigns will have a much more precise yet larger reach.

By utilising financial targeting, we can identify key stages in the home buying process, in addition to demographic and geo-location data which allows us to reach the right people in the right location.  

To find out more, please get in touch with us. Our team would love to hear about your campaign plans and help you decide how mobile marketing can help you achieve your targets.

Speech marks facing the right
"We were targeting Birmingham Airport employees; we got 8 sales from this campaign from people working at the airport. This was by far the most cost-effective and efficient way to target these people. To get this level of results was fantastic"
Ranjit Kang
Marketing Manager, Kier Living

Ministry of Mobile

The Ministry of Mobile is our in-house training centre; this resource is available to all of our client teams in addition to their own clients. Increase your understanding and knowledge to put together campaign plans and make recommendations in this rapidly changing market.

Illustration of a man on his phone holding a coffee
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