About us

Fonemedia is a team of positive innovators working as the leading force in mobile marketing whilst keeping our core company values at heart.

Who are we?

Fonemedia is a standout mobile marketing agency based in Leeds, driven by a team of talented individuals. Our client-centric approach sets us apart, fostering creativity and collaboration to deliver tailored solutions that drive results. With a passion for innovation and commitment to excellence, Fonemedia is a trusted partner for businesses seeking to thrive in the mobile landscape.

Everyone here understands that there is a job to do and a role to play in our success, but they are also all very clear that in our eyes - family is more important than work.

We apply our people-focused values and forward-thinking approach to every aspect of our work, utilising the best and latest mobile technology to deliver.

Our company culture is driven by our commitment to our values:
R - Results Driven
E - Expertise Focused
S - Supportive Culture
P - Proactive Approach
E - Evolutionary Mindset
C - Collaborative Team
T - Transparent Approach.

Established since



Impressions reached in the last 12 months

Meet the professionals

James memoji
James Dalton
Group Chief Executive Officer

James is a self-confessed tech-head with over 20 years of experience in marketing and advertising.

Kathryn memoji
Kathryn Carlin
Managing Director

Kathryn is our chief marketing strategist. She taught the Client Partnerships team everything they know.

Nic memoji
Nic Taylor
Business Development Director

With her wealth of experience in the Media sector, Nic leads the Business Development team.

Michael memoji
Michael Hope
Operations Director

Michael oversees our Technical, Data and Campaign Delivery teams.

Jerry memoji
Jerry Li
Programmatic Specialist

Jerry optimises our client's campaigns and customises strategies to align with each client's specific KPIs to achieve the best outcomes possible.

Louis memoji
Louis Jones
Junior Programmatic Executive

Louis assists with campaign setups and ongoing optimisations, working alongside the rest of the team to deliver insightful EOC reports.

Claire memoji
Claire Caulfield
Junior Programmatic Executive

Claire supports setting up campaigns and implementing ongoing optimisations. She works with the team to deliver informative EOC reports.

Irene memoji
Irene Novelli
Campaign Delivery Consultant

Irene is a font of digital marketing knowledge, she has worked at
Google and Facebook and now is responsible for coaching our Campaign Delivery team.

Sarah memoji
Sarah Pearce
Data Analyst

Sarah is responsible for analysing the data across all campaigns, ensuring key insights are both recognised & leveraged in future campaigns.

Hannah Memoji
Hannah Bennett
Creative and Marketing Manager

Hannah leads our Creative department, in-house marketing activity and creative campaign concepts.

Jade memoji
Jade Downie-Arruda
Creative Lead

Jade is a motion graphics whizz and produces highly engaging campaign creative and branding projects
for our clients.

Becky memoji
Becky Duncan
Marketing Assistant

Becky supports with planning, implementing and monitoring the in-house marketing campaigns and events.

Rachael W memoji
Rachael Waddicor
Business Development Manager

Rachael's impressive career in Publishing provides strategic insights for planning marketing activity.

Charlotte memoji
Charlotte French
Business Development Manager

Specialising in the Education sector, Charlotte's strength is building strong working relationships with clients.

Matt memoji
Matt Roberts
Business Development Executive

Matt helps the Business Development team raise awareness of Fonemedia products and services.

A memoji of Debbie who works a t Fonemedia
Debbie Haigh
Client Partnerships Manager

Debbie forecasts, calculates costs and finalises proposals for client campaigns, using campaign strategy to help clients reach their audience effectively.

A memoji of Angela, who works at Fonemedia
Angela Hargreaves
Client Partnerships Manager

Angela completes proposals for client campaigns, leveraging campaign strategy to assist clients in effectively reaching their target audience.

Hayley Nunan
Client Partnerships Manager

Hayley utilises campaign strategy to predict outcomes and finalise proposals for client campaigns, aiding them in effectively connecting with their target audience.

Richard memoji
Richard Adam
Financial Director

With a wealth of experience in Finance and Strategy, Richard is well-placed to support the growth agenda with a focus on quality, systems and processes.

Rachel memoji
Rachel Fleming
Finance Manager

Rachel manages Fonemedia's accounts and company administrations.

Karen memoji
Karen Mullen
Finance Administrator

Karen has over 30 years of experience in Finance, she works alongside Rachel in Finance and Administration.

Small, yet perfectly formed

We pride ourselves on our transparent approach, being very clear about how mobile can help, but more importantly, when we think that it won't.

Our mission

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit minus.

Our vision

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit minus.

Fresh ideas

Temporibus autem quibusdam officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus.

Quality result

Temporibus autem quibusdam officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus.

Reliable support

Temporibus autem quibusdam officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus.

We work with over 750 organisations

Although we specialise in core sectors, our clients span multiple verticals. Get in touch with our experienced team to find out how to make mobile work for you.